Thursday, March 24, 2011

Gran Turismo 3: Interesting Features

Main Screen: You can access your replays from here.
One interesting idea that was incorperated into this video game was that the producers decided to add a replay center. At the replay center you are able to acces your greatest moments in GT3 history and rewatch those highlighting moments of you dominating a race. Saving replaay can be done at and time during races in the carrer mode or even just regular arcade mode. After the race has ended it gives you an option on the screen to allow you to save the replay of the race where you can then access it on the main screen where you can choose which mode of game you would like to play.

This is where you can see your specs.

Another interesting feature that was added to this game is the car dealership. Here is where you can buy the fastest cars as well as cars that are needed to enter certain races. What is more intersting about this car dealership from all others is that the producers added in the countries in which certain car manufacturers are from and after you have chosen the country then the manufacturers from that country will appear in a new screen allowing you to purchase your typw of car from there. The last interesting component that I will be talking about is about how the producer added an option for the gamer to view the specs of the car. Some things that can be viewed are the Max HP (Horse Power), Max Torque, weight, height, length, engine type, and drivetrain.

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